

The Terms of Reference of the Commission vide Ministry of Agriculture (Department of Agriculture and Cooperation)’s Resolution No. 49011/6/2009-EA dated 30.7.2009 are as under:

To advise on the price policy of paddy/rice, wheat, jowar, bajra, maize, ragi, barely, gram, tur,moong, urad, sugarcane, groundnut, soyabeanseed, rapeseed, mustard, cotton, jute, seasmum,nigerseed, lentil (massur), safflower, copra and such other commodities as the Government may decide from time to time, with a view to evolving a balanced and integrated price structure in the perspective of the overall needs of the economy and with due regard to the interests of the producer and the consumer.

While recommending the price policy and the relative price structure, the Commission may keep in view the following:-
❖ The need to provide incentive to the producer for adopting improved technology and for developing a production pattern broadly in the light of nationalrequirements.
❖ The need to ensure rational utilization of land, water and other production resources.
❖ The likely effect of the price policy on rest of the economy, particularly on the cost of living, level of wages, cost structure of agro-based products and the competitiveness of agriculture and agro-based commodities.
❖ The Commission may also suggest such non-price measures related to credit policy, crop and income insurance and other sectors as would facilitate the achievements of the objectives set out in 1 above.
❖ To recommend from time to time, in respect of different agricultural commodities, measures necessary to make the price policy effective.
❖ To take into account the changes in terms of trade between agricultural and non-agricultural sectors.
❖ To examine, where necessary, the prevailing methods and cost of marketing of agricultural commodities in different regions, suggest measures to reduce costs of marketing and recommend fair price margins for different stages of marketing.
❖ To keep under review the developing price situation and to make appropriate recommendations, as and when necessary, within the framework of the overall pricepolicy.
❖ To undertake studies in respect of different crops as may be prescribed by Government from time to time.
❖ To keep under review studies relating to the prices policy and arrangements for collection of information regarding agricultural prices and other related data and suggest improvements in the same, and to organize research studies in the field of price policy.
❖ To advise on any problems relating to agricultural prices and other production that may be referred to it by Government from time to time.
❖ To effectively integrate the recommended non-price measures with price recommendations and to ensure competitive agriculture.

Publish Date : 7/31/2024